A Missive From the Clouds, in Which is My Head

Do you suppose I’m spending too much time in the imaginary? I suppose I might be. Yet I drift, here at my computer, absent any fires to put out. Here’s the thing, though: the imaginary may not be real, but you better believe it exists. And as something that exists, it certainly can produce effects … Read more

El Origen de los Elfos

La niña le preguntó a la abuela: << ¿Cómo llegaron a ser los elfos? ¿Quienes eran los primeros? >>. Y respondió la abuela: Cuando nuestro mundo era joven, y Golarion sólo tenía cespedes y animales simples, no había ningún ser enalmado en la superficie de la tierra. La diosa Alseta le pidió al Rey Sobre … Read more

Social Control and Social Media

First: my annual hosting bills are coming due, so thanks to all you who support me on my recently-resurrected Patreon. Over the past decade, I’ve come to terms with how unlikely it is that my creative endeavors will ever pay me a living wage, but they can at least pay for the cost of making … Read more

Clobberin’ Time – Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 – Dark Chocolate Book

Today’s Chocolate: Alter Eco Classic Blackout Today’s Passage: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 I took a mental health hiatus from my Bible study blog, Chocolate Book, in October of 2018. I’d been making my way through Exodus, and once or twice I’ve tried to resume where I left off, but couldn’t write the post. So, instead, today we’re hopping … Read more

A Portrait of the Artist as a Quitter

In late 2018, I injured my back at work. The injury precipitated a nervous breakdown, as the pain from the injury wouldn’t go away, confirming my worst fears. I quit my job and moved in with my parents to try to recuperate physically and mentally. And I tried to continue making art. I produced The … Read more