Lego Mecha Mania: More Mobile Frame Zeroes

Mobile Frame Zero Lego mecha model, Underbite, equipped with twin-linked Xarelto cannon, ventic field projector, and scoot jets

The Mobile Frame Zeroing continues! I’d like to share with you my MF0 company: presenting the BIOHOV (Bipedal Independent-Operation Heavy-Output Vehicle) squad for desert bandit gang The Red-Jaw Jackals. Yes, of course these are part of my post-apocalyptic magical sci-fi tabletop RPG world of goblins and reptile people. Did you entertain, even for a second, … Read more

Mobile Frame Zero: Tiny Giant Robots Made of Lego

Mobile Frame Zero Lego mecha models, Neon Colossus and Scrap Striker

I have a new hobby. Mobile Frame Zero is an open-source tactical wargame played using mecha made from Lego. Ever since I heard about it from Penny Arcade in 2012, apparently (dang son), I’ve been meaning to get into it. A handful of weeks ago, I finally dug my old Lego collection out of the … Read more